The following list represents a list of issues, bugs, and features for
future Radical releases:
description |
Targetted |
Cannot cancel changes when edit bean descriptor in palette. |
1.0 |
Implement some mechanism to assign logical names to property constants, e.g., constants used for horizontal alignment in JLabel. |
1.0 |
Undo mechanism. |
post 1.0 |
Use XML-based files for saving persistent data
where possible. |
post 1.0 |
Tree view of instances. |
post 1.0 |
Improve component selection box, since it sometimes
is not updated properly. |
1.0 |
Investigate putting all components into a spacer
component, which would simplify component selection box issues. |
post 1.0 |
Allow for creation of tabbed panes in the bean
palette, for grouping of beans. |
post 1.0 |
Allow bean palette descriptors to refer to
Radical forms as well as beans. |
post 1.0 |
Generic ability to remove child instances from
a component. |
1.0 |
Set/choose bean palette description icons. |
1.0 |
Sort bean descriptors in palette. |
1.0 |
Use BeahShell for creating a "real" live demo. |
post 1.0 |
Investigate combining translators
and property editors, since they are related. |
post 1.0 |
Add ability to add a bean descriptor
to empty palette; currently you must right-click on an existing bean descriptor. |
1.0 |
Clean up properties dialog, perhaps dividing it
into panels that can be used separately for the prototype and instance
property dialogs. |
post 1.0 |
Change the way string property
changes are recognized in properties dialog; currently, you must press the
<ENTER> key to enact any changes. |
1.0 |
Setting instance names in open() could be problematic
when we start allowing forms to be read in as components. |
post 1.0 |
Investigate primitive type
versus objects in translators/editors; there are some tricky issues when
dealing with primitive types, since they do not have an "normal" Class object. |
1.0 |
Editing instance properties
updates actual component, thus it is in the wrong state if edits are canceled. |
1.0 |
Finish font property editor. |
1.0 |
Make dialog boxes more
context sensitive. |
1.0 |
Investigate making a window manager interface for
better plug-in support. |
post 1.0 |
Sort imported package
statements. |
post 1.0 |
Allow "*" import
statements. |
post 1.0 |
Remove instance
descriptors when removing components. |
1.0 |
Finish border property
editor. |
1.0 |
Finish font property
editor. |
1.0 |
There is a redraw problem with nested panels, specifically
with BorderLayout when its cell size changes. |
1.0 |
Make form loading/saving configurable. |
post 1.0 |
Create a generic "graph" layout view so that it is
possible to build non-GUI applications. |
post 1.0 |
Allow user to save "drop descriptor" when dropping
child instances onto another component, thus the user could avoid having to
always select a method (for example, when setting the scroll pane viewport). |
1.0 |
I am sure that I have missed some useful features, so feel free to contact me at if you have any suggestions, but just don't expect immediate action.
Richard S. Hall